The Board's Examination Development Unit is recruiting licensees who reside and practice in California, to assist with various aspects of examination development. These tasks include item writing and review, field testing, and standard setting. Newly licensed (within the past three years) professionals are especially needed.
Licensed experts are needed in the following disciplines to assist with the appropriate California state-specific examinations:
- Civil Engineers
- Geotechnical Engineers
- Traffic Engineers
- Land Surveyors
- Geologists – California Specific Exam
- Certified Engineering Geologists
- Certified Hydrogeologists
- Geophysicists
Experts have the opportunity to meet and work with other licensed professionals from the state on the development, reviewing, and standard setting of the examination. Many experts find the experience very rewarding and choose to return year after year.
Experts are paid an honorarium for time spent at meetings and meeting preparation. Travel costs associated with attending meetings are reimbursed at the current state contracted rates.
If you would like more information about being an Expert Consultant, please contact the Examination Unit at (916) 999-3644
If you are interested, please complete the Expert Consultant Recruitment Form and send it to the following address:
Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists
Attention: Examination Unit
2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95833