Rulemaking Notices

Proposed/Active Regulations

Fees (Title 16 CCR 407 and 3005)

Renumbering Paragraphs - Experience Requirements – Professional Land Surveyors (Section 100 Without Regulatory Effect) (Title 16 CCR 425)

Applications, References, Computation of Qualifying Experience, and Schedule of Examinations (formerly known as Amendments related to Applications) (Title 16 CCR 420, 427.10, 427.20, 427.30, 3021, 3022.2, 3023 and 3032)

Define Negligence, Incompetence, and Responsible Charge (Title 16 CCR 7800, 7801, 7802, 7802.1, 7803, 7803.1, 7804, 7804.1, 7805, 7822, 7841, 7841.1 and 7860)

Approved Regulations

Effective 6/29/23
ASBOG Examination Fees, Abandoned Applications, Postponements, and Examinations
(Title 16 CCR 3005, 3024, 3024.5, 3026, and 3031)