Online Address Change Form
Note to Applicants: Do not use the below Address Change Form if you submitted your application (initial application or Exam Request) using BPELSG Connect; you must login to BPELSG Connect to complete an address change. Applicants who have multiple licenses/certificates should use the “Link Existing” button on their dashboard to link all licenses/certificates to ensure that all licenses/certificates/pending applications are included in the address change. If you do not fit the criteria mentioned above, use this form to complete an address change.
Note to Licensees: Do not use the below Address Change Form if you submitted a renewal using BPELSG Connect; you must login to BPELSG Connect to complete an address change. Licensees who have multiple licenses/certificates should use the “Link Existing” button on their dashboard to link all licenses/certificates to ensure that all licenses/certificates are included in the address change. If you have not submitted a renewal in BPELSG Connect, and you are not submitting a renewal in BPELSG Connect within the next thirty (30) days, use this form to complete an address change.
To change your address of record, please provide the following information and endorse with the last four digits of your Social Security number.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing of any address change requests.
Pocket and wall certificates are not re-printed when a change of address is submitted.
Click here to download the Change of Name form.
412. Address Change for Engineers and Land Surveyors.
Each person who is an applicant for, or a holder of, a certificate or license issued by the Board under provisions of the Professional Engineers Act or the Professional Land Surveyors' Act shall file his/her address with the Board office. Within thirty (30) days after changing addresses, he/she shall notify the Board office of such change.
3009. Address Change for Geologists and Geophysicists.
Each person who is an applicant for or a holder of a certificate license issued by the Board shall file his or her address of record with the Board. Within thirty (30) days after any change to his or her address of record, he or she shall notify the Board in writing of such change.
Please complete the following information. Note: Licensees must include the license number. If you do not know your license number, you may click here to obtain it from the Verify a License screen.
Address Change Form
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.