Do not submit your application for licensure until after you have passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam and the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam in the desired discipline.
Once you have passed the appropriate NCEES FE and PE exams and have the required qualifying experience, submit your application for licensure using the online BPELSG Connect Portal. For additional information, view Use BPELSG Connect to Complete and Submit a Professional Engineer (PE) Application.
There is no final filing date. Applications can be submitted and will be accepted on a continuous basis.
Once you submit your application through BPELSG Connect, you will be able to login to your user profile to monitor the status of the application review and address any deficiencies.
Do not contact the Board for status updates; login to your Connect account and refer to your dashboard for status updates. View the Application Status Definitions for detailed information.