Request for Special (ADA or Religious) Accommodations for NCEES or State Specific Examinations:
The Board no longer directly handles requests for special accommodations for NCEES or State Specific examinations. These requests are now handled by the appropriate examination administrator. If you have a need for special testing accommodations due to religious belief or for reasons falling within the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you must contact EACH examination administrator regarding your request. NOTE: You must request special accommodations for each examination administration cycle, even if none of the information has changed since the last request.
Information regarding the process for requesting special accommodations is available on the Examination Administrators’ websites. Do NOT contact the Board to request special accommodations; you must contact the Examination Administrators for the examinations for which you need special accommodations. The Examination Administrators are:
- National Examinations: The National Council of Engineers for Examiners and Surveying (NCEES)
Special accommodations requests shall be made at the time of examination registration, visit the following link for further information:
- State Specific Examinations: Prometric, Inc.
Special accommodations requests shall be made when scheduling exams. Board-approved candidates will receive an e-mail notice from the Board or Prometric, Inc. regarding scheduling of exams after the Board processes the application. Visit the following link for further information:
Request for Special (ADA or Religious) Accommodations for ASBOG Examinations:
If you have a need for special testing accommodations due to religious belief or for reasons falling within the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) Examinations you must make the request through the Board. NOTE: You must request special accommodations for each examination administration cycle, even if none of the information has changed since the last request.
Special accommodation requests shall be made at least ninety days prior to the posted exam date. Submit the request on the Reasonable Accommodations form along with supporting documentation. The supporting documentation must be on official letterhead from a doctor, be current, and must clearly specify the accommodations that are to be received by the examination candidate.