The Board is accepting applications to fill vacancies on its civil engineering, structural engineering, land surveying, and geology and geophysicist Technical Advisory Committees (TACs).
The TACs advise and assist the Board and its staff on civil engineering, structural engineering, land surveying, geology and geophysicist matters. Each TAC usually meets once a year; however, individual TAC members may also be asked to assist Board staff in reviewing applications for licensure, enforcement complaint investigation cases, and other technical issues.
Each TAC consists of five members who are appointed by the Board. In addition, two Board members (one professional member in the appropriate discipline and one public member) and a staff person are assigned as liaisons to each TAC. The TAC members serve a two-year term and can be reappointed for two additional two-year terms. TAC members receive per diem and expenses but are not paid.
Applicants for appointment to the TACs must be expert civil or structural engineers or land surveyors and must hold current, valid, and unrestricted licenses. Additionally, applicants must not have been subject to enforcement action by the Board and must not be under investigation by the Enforcement Unit of the Board.
The Technical Advisory Committee Member Application Form is available on this web site. The TAC application may also be obtained by calling the Board office at 1-866-780-5370 (toll free). Once received, the applications will be reviewed by the Board member and staff liaisons to the TACs.